10. When you call someone, leave a voicemail, and they text you back “What’s up?”
I just left you a voicemail, what’s up is what’s in the message. Call me back, idiot.
On a related note, it’s annoying when you just miss a person’s call, and you immediately call them back, but they don’t answer. What did you do, hang up and throw your phone against the wall? Sprint out of the room? Pick. Up.
9. To follow #10, people who text back ‘K.’ Why are you wasting my life/getting me excited with a text, only to disappoint me? If I text you “Dinner’s at 8, see you there,” I’m assuming your non response is confirmation that you’ll be there. I don’t need a ‘K.’ Thanks.
8. When people ask you a question, then don’t bother listening to the answer. You can see their eyes glaze over (what I have dubbed the Krispy Kreme), and you know they’re thinking about what they’re going to eat that night, what their next Facebook status update will be, or whether or not they remembered to DVR Keeping Up With The Kardashian’s.
I was recently a victim of the Krispy Kreme, so I decided to mess with the person.
Me: Yea, so, I’ll be editing that in the next few weeks, I may have bladder cancer, and then I’ll send the edited version back in to so and so.
Annoying Person: Ok, that’s wassup.
Me: Really? Me alluding to the fact that I may or may not be experiencing painful urination, blood in my urine, and/or extreme abdominal pain is ‘wassup?’
If you don’t care about the answer, don’t ask the question. I probably didn’t feel like talking to you anyhow.
7. When someone asks you if you’ve seen a particular movie, and you say ‘no,’ and they repeat the question several times, getting more worked up/agitated/incredulous.
I had one of these conversations recently, and it went something like this:
Annoying Person: “Have you seen Star Wars?”
Me: “No, I haven’t.”
Annoying Person: (louder) “What?! You haven’t seen Star Wars?!”
Me: “Uh, I just said I haven’t.”
Annoying Person: (yelling now, spit flying out of mouth) “Wait a minute, are you serious!? You’ve NEVER seen Star Wars?”
Me: “I’m not deaf. I haven’t seen the damn movie.”
(Annoying person then proceeds to look at you as if they’ve just discovered you’re the anti-Christ, which is apparently still a step above someone who hasn’t seen Star Wars.)
6. People who start a sentence with “Ugh, I hate drama, BUT...” and then proceed to tell you a story that has been blown out of proportion/fabricated. Those are usually the same people who claim “I’m not a typical girl/guy, I’m real” and “I don’t like to gossip.” Rest assured, those are the people that will bring the most grief in to your life. RUN!
5. People on the bus who talk loudly on their cell phones. I don’t care what your mom made for dinner, what KiKi did that pissed you off, or why your boyfriend is a cheating scumbag. Well, the last one could be fun to listen to, but I don’t like gossip, so....
4. People who wear cut off shirts, and booty shorts to the gym. (Yes, I’ve seen guys in this getup) I don’t want to see your ass cheeks, or have your boobs/hanging balls flopping around in front of me while I try to get my sweat on. If the models at the gym are covered up, you probably should be, too. Thanks.
3. To follow number 4, women who walk around the locker room completely nude. I’m sure the guys are getting a nice visual right now, but you wouldn’t feel that way if you’ve seen what I’ve seen. Ladies, if you insist on doing this, please invest in a good razor, or a good wax. Please.
2. People who blow up my Facebook and Twitter feed/notifications because they’re all of a sudden ESPN commentators any time there is a game on. I’m watching the game, I won’t be reading your updates. Also, the ref’s/owners/managers/players can’t hear you. They don’t care about your opinion, and neither do I.
1. On that note, in reference to the Redskins, or my favorite sports teams, stop telling me things like “You played terrible. You have really shitty offense. We are going to kick your ass!”
I don’t play for a sports team, I don’t own a sports team, and I damn sure don’t get paid like any of them, either. YOU didn’t play well, the team you spend a lot of money supporting did. I don’t have shitty offense, because that doesn’t even make sense. (I’ve totally been guilty of this, maybe I’m just bitter. But, if the Redskins ever make the playoffs, I will absolutely be rubbing it in your face)
We’ve all been guilty of some of these things. Let’s try and make the world a less annoying place and stop doing them.
Much Love.
Much Love.
Nazanin :)
I swear, Nazanin, if this makes the girls stop doing #4 I'm going to be very upset. But man, I am so with you on #10. I'm friends with this girl (no names) (rhymes with "Bess Buliano") who does that. I'm like "How are you not answering? You juuuuuust called!
ReplyDelete10. Nothing pisses me off more than when someone leaves me a voice mail and says call me back. I see the missed call, I don't need you to tell me you called. I also hate when people pick up the phone and say "I can't talk right now." Then why the fuck did you pick up the phone? A "what's up" text is the ideal response if you can't talk, and want to allow the person another avenue for communication in case its important.
9. K.
8. Where you talking to Roddy or Ali Reza? You can't know that many people that would respond with "that's what's up" There might be a lesson in keeping your responses shorter or more interesting, but personally I'VE never found you boring, so I can't comment.
7. Have you really never seen Star Wars? Because you should REALLY see Star Wars.
6. I agree here, but can't swear off all other Iranians.
5. Agreed. Its a public place, have some respect! They should just text the person back and ask what's up.
4. I'm with Dave here. That's half the reason I go to the gym. Otherwise I'd do P90X at home.
3. I always trim up before I wave my hog around the locker room!
2. K.
1. This wouldn't bother you as much if the Redskins didn't suck so hard ALL the time. So I agree with you, but will totally do this to other people when we return to prominence.